Talks & Works

A keynote: "Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality: Crossing Barriers to Innovate Experiences" - Tessitura 2018

 [watch the keynote]

An interview: "Digital Architecture" The Museum Life podcast with Carol Bossert [listen to podcast] 

The future: "Trends Watch: The Scenario Edition" Center for the Future of Museums (AAM) 

[download the report]

A conference paper: “Location, location, location! The proliferation of indoor positioning and what it means and doesn’t mean for museums” – Museums and the Web 

[read the paper]

A book chapter: "The Digital Layer in the Museum Experience" (co-authored with Catherine Devine.) - "Museums and Digital Culture: New Perspectives and Research" Springer 2019.

[read the book]

A quote in the NYTimes: "Find the Whale and the Bathroom With the Natural History Museum App" - NYTimes by Joseph Berger

[read the article]

and more...

[see more]


Mixed Media & Film

“Little Ease [outside the box]”

Film and live performance

[watch it]


Project video, live performance

[watch the trailer]

Professional Experience

Board Director & President – 2017 to 2020

Museum Computer Network

(Director since 2017, VP 2018, President for 2019-2020 term)
As president I was responsible for managing the strategic planning process and guiding the plan’s implementation in order to ensure continued growth and development, continuity, and financial stability of the longest standing professional museum technology community. Previously as chair of the IT/Digital committee, I established the multi-year digital strategy. I learned so much during my tenure as VP/President as it coincided with the emergence of BLM and the need for rapid but critical diversity and equity efforts as well as the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent shutdown. My last act was to preside over the first all-virtual MCN conference in its 51-year history.

Director of Digital Architecture – 2011 to Present

American Museum of Natural History

My work combines technology, strategy and visitor experience and spans the Museum organization. I have to combine technical capability with my ability to both collaborate with and lead people (staff & vendors) while keeping the focus on the visitor experience. Projects include: Explorer mobile wayfinding app, content management system migration, digital ticketing strategy and implementation, and visitor journey mapping.

[previous role at AMNH] Senior Interactive Designer — 2000 to 2011 

As software developer and interaction designer I worked with scientists, writers, artists, and producers to create award-winning products that have had lasting impact on our intended audience. Additional Museum contributions; scientific databases, collections systems, in-gallery touch screens, augmented reality, Moodle courseware, personalization, A/B testing, Bluetooth-based indoor positioning systems, and Wi-Fi/networking infrastructure. 

Technology Consultant

Various Clients – 2000 to 2011

Projects ranged in size from small retail websites to a multiyear, strategic efforts. Working at the faster pace of technology outside museums allowed me to bring that experience back to my work at the Museum. Client project included: 

  • NYPL – HomeworkNYC portal to support good habits for middle and high-school students. 

  • NYC Bikes - Bespoke eCommerce site for local, Brooklyn bike builder. 

  • Absolut Vodka - Early Facebook app, allowed friends to opt-in to being a designated driver. 

  • Daniel Kohn - Artist portfolio allowing viewers to create and save combinations of his art. 

  • Others - Smoking cessation app, Imax Film website, pre-youtube video upload community, social network for new mothers...

Skills and Expertise 

Digital Strategy & Tactics: I understand the importance of digital strategy and also recognize that true progress only happens when the daily activity of the product teams match the strategic goals. Ask me about “developers at 11 pm.” 

Collaborative Leadership: In a complex professional environment, there are times when ambiguity is high, and responsibility is diffuse. I have a track record of delivering important projects by building a relationship and a shared sense of the importance of the work across organizational silos. 

Emerging technology & Media Trends: As an enthusiastic evangelist of emerging technologies. My work seeks to balance the potential to reach new audiences, enrich the visitor experience, meet the public’s rapidly shifting expectations, and further the mission while avoiding the pitfalls of difficult to maintain, expensive “gimmicks.” Ask me about “fast-followers”, “Zappos” or "#graveyardOfYesterdaysTomorrows"

Visitor Experience (The Journey Mapping)

The experience is made up of a 1000 tiny moments, I led a research effort to create a journey map of the entire museum visit, from the perspective the visitor. It took a year, two-dozen staff, and multiple vendors but the impact of this research has been to shift the conversations from local, departmental goals to ‘the overall visitor experience' (aka "journey"). 

Mobile App(s)

From a proof-of-concept, augmented reality apps to a high-profile, multi-million-dollar project involving an array of platform integrations, vendors and Museum departments. I have built (and sunset) apps that are highly recognized for their significant technical achievements. Successful apps are possible only when  matching Museum capacity and enthusiasm with the goals of actual visitors (research, evaluation and user-testing). 

Content Management Systems / Information Architecture

I've built and managed dozens of bespoke content management systems (CMS) and also lead the technical design, information architecture and strategy for the massive migrations of insitution-wide CMS.

Digital Ticketing & Fulfillment Strategy 

I was responsible for the system architecture and experience design of the web-based ticketing code that powers web, mobile-web, and in-museum kiosks, as well as for in-app ticketing. Ask me about the "kiosks."

Wayfinding: Whether its paper maps, mobile apps, or digital signage and kiosks, telling visitors where to go is far different from supporting them in finding their what they seek.  Ask me about "gentle nudges" and “under the yellow banner.”

Interaction Design: I’ve built hundreds of interactives and applications. These products have received awards, millions of page views, and the focused and critical attention of small groups of scientists. When seeking best practices, there is no replacement for experience. Ask me about “OLogy” or “ASW.”

Analytics & Insights: Digital analytics, A/B testing, user research & evaluation have been critical parts of my work. Understanding what visitors want and need is becoming much easier, balancing it with the mission and goals of the organization is still an art. Ask me about “overlapping circles.

“Full-Stack” Development, System Architecture & Database Design: I am able to move from “down in the weeds” to “the 30,000-foot view," monitoring the tactical details of a project while driving the strategic direction. Most importantly, I can effectively manage programmers. Ask me about “100+ page templates!?”

Communication: I communicate complex technical issues to less-technical audiences and am equally able to sit with coders or sysadmins and communicate how their decisions and efforts are part of a larger whole. Ask me about “video platforms.”

...last but certainly not least...

Creativity as Technical Tool: Often what is thought to be a insurmountable technical problem may yield to a simple change in design. Ask me about “destination images.”

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